Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Amazingly Balanced Rocks Around the World - 1

The balanced rocks are a geological formation created due to wind/water erosion or glacial melting. These precariously balanced rocks are wonder of the nature and to a viewer it looks that these would topple by a gentle human push or a wind force. However most of these rocks have remained steadfast for past several thousand years though some were vandalised and pushed over. To some scientists these rocks are a sign of seismic stableness of the location.

Beginning with this post I will present to my readers some of the awesome and breathtaking rocks around the world. (Addendum:  Full series can be viewed here.)

Chiricahua National Monument, Arizona, USA

Although called monument it is not a single monument but a region of approximately twelve thousand acres of wild, rugged terrain which has been declared a reserved protected area. Within this area lies the "Heart of Rocks" containing the world largest collection of balanced rocks and awesome pinnacles. Some of the rocks have been given a name by the Civilian Conservation Corps, during their stay here in the 1930s.

Pinnacle Balanced Rock

Image from Panoramio is by braendlin
Big Balanced Rock - is one of the most photographed features of Chiricahua National Monument. It is 24.8 feet wide but sits on a base only 4.3 feet across. It weighs 652 tons and is located at an elevation of 6865 feet.

Image from Panoramio is by AlmostOnTime

Duck Rock;

Image from Panoramio is bymblitch

Inverted Rock aka The Bishop;

Image from Flickr is by Nomad2005

Double Decker Rock;

Image from Panoramio is by James N Perdue

Other rocks in the area;

Image from Flickr is by goostake

Image from Panoramio is by TRingold

Image from Flickr is by zrim

Here is a "fallen one" or an "Imbalanced" Rock

Image from Panoramio is by aisavery

View general location in Google Earth  Google Maps

More info: Chiricahua National Monument - Home page

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