Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Rare and Interesting Historical Pictures

Charles Godfrey flies through the Arc de Triomphe in Paris on his plane «Nieuport 11", 7 August 1919.

A selection of exclusive historic photos that tell about a particular period in the development of our vast world, many of which are truly rare and were published only recently. 
So to start to build the capital of Brazil - Brasilia. 

Construction of the Eiffel Tower in Paris, July 1888. 

Bomber B-29 "Superfortress" entitled «Enola Gay» dropped the "Little Boy" (the bomb) on Hiroshima during World War II. It was the first plane that dropped the atomic bomb from the air.

One of the pictures taken during the photo session of «The Beatles» for the album cover «Abbey Road». On the cover got another shot - it "Beatles" go in another direction. 

Che Guevara and Fidel Castro.

Matura Albert Einstein had received a 17-year-old. 

The shooting of the film "Star Wars" in the iconic ship "Millennium Falcon." 

First computer - ENIAC, is made in the USA. He was the first high-speed electronics, combined with the ability to program to solve complex problems. It could add or subtract 5000 times per second.

Seal on the door untouched tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun.

Google first team in 1999.

First supermarket «Wal-Mart» opened in 1962 by Sam Walton. Then called «Walton` s Five and Dime ».

One of the first fast food restaurants «McDonald` s », which opened its doors in 1948.

The moment when George W. Bush was informed of the attack on September 11.

Henry Ford (founder of «Ford Motor Co»), Thomas Edison (inventor of the phonograph, the imaging camera and lights), Warren Harding (publisher) and Harvey Samuel Firestone (founder of tire and rubber «Firestone Tire and Rubber Co»). 

May 28, 1987 18-year-old German Mathias Rust landed his plane "Cessna 172B Skyhawk" on the Red Square in Moscow. This case is regarded as a complete failure of the defense of the Soviet Union.

One of the first photos taken in Hitler's bunker in 1945.

Madonna, Sting and Tupac at the party.

Quagga - extinct subspecies burchellovoy zebra. Last living Quagga was photographed in London Zoological community in 1870.

Ticket for "Titanic."

Steve Jobs and Bill Gates in 1991.

Elvis Presley while serving in the U.S. Army.

Willard Scott - "writer and performer" of the first Ronald McDonald, 1963.

Haircut "Elvis" was very popular among women in 1957.

4-year-old Louis and 2-year-old Lola, the surviving passengers of "Titanic."

Frozen Niagara.

Swim team at the Olympics in 1948.

The real Christopher Robin and Winnie the Pooh - prototypes famous fairy tale characters. 1926-28 years.

The last photo shoot «The Beatles», August 1969.

Once on the Road: Movement on the New York street stopped because passing through it, the cat with a kitten.

Laboratory of Nikola Tesla, 1899.

Yuri Gagarin and Fidel Castro in Havana, 1961.

Portrait of Bonnie and Clyde, 1933.

Steve Jobs, 1984.

Salvador Dali filming at Phillip Halsman, 1954.

Louis Armstrong in Egypt in 1961.

 Mock Mount Rushmore.

Famous architects in the clothes as their creations: Stewart Walker (Fuller Building), Leonard Schultze (Waldorf-Astoria), Ely Jacques Kahn (Squibb Building), William Van Alen (Chrysler Building), Ralph Walker (1 Wall Street), DEWard ( Metropolitan Tower), Joseph H. Freelander (Museum of New York).

Fairies of Cottingley. Francis Way and Elsie Hill cut cardboard men, photographed them, and passed off as real fairies. In the early 20th century, the story caused a lot of noise, and still photographs of magical little people are considered one of the most talented hoaxes of the 20th century.

Portrait of a woman with tea pairs on the chest in 1890.

The death of "Hindenburg" - ending the era of airships, USA, 6 May 1937. 

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